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Changing Minds One Brush-stroke at a Time

I am a young self-taught artist living in Iowa. I have opened up this shop primarily to fund my passion for art, but also to have an opportunity to share with the world. I hope you will consider supporting me in any way you are able to. If you want to know more about me, please keep reading below!

"Wacke" is not some horrible spelling mistake as some of you might believe. It is actually a word for a certain type of sandstone. This word seemed appropriate as most of my products will be sculptural (at least for the time being) and it is very close to "wacky" (which would probably be an appropriate way to describe me. 


I immediately knew that I wanted my shop name to have something to do with a raven. I am a Ravenclaw (yes I know technically our animal is an eagle) and I had some house pride inspiring me. It also seemed appropriate because of my love of Edgar Allen Poe. Just trying to make Quoth proud...

About Me

My name is Mazikeen Vizecky and I'm The Wacke Raven. I am a self-taught artist from Marion Iowa. I'm starting this new venture to fund my art-related hobbies as well as to share my ideas with all of you! That being said, I can't do this without you guys. Feel free to contact me with questions. I am happy to work with you guys-ultimately you make all the work worth it. 

I am primarily a student, so this is a side gig for me. While I am dedicated to making my work great, my schooling will always come first-which may result in some periods with limited content. I am currently finishing up a few high school credits and plan to (hopefully) attend Barnard College when I am finished. While attending high school I have enjoyed spending time in art classes, choir, show choir, theatre, and color guard. As sad as it is to say goodbye to some of these things I am ready to move on with my life.

I look forward to turning 18. When I turn 18 I will be changing my name-I absolutely loathe the name "Mogan". I also plan on getting several tattoos and some piercings. In addition to that, I can serve alcohol and have my Etsy shop completely to myself-instead of relying on my father for credit card payments. 

It's important to know that I am a HUGE nerd. Most of my work will have some sort of Sci-Fi or Fantasy element to it. I grew up on Harry Potter and since then I have become obsessed with the complexities of made up worlds and mythical creatures. I also think that using an allegorical view of our world by writing or producing art in this genre has a very powerful effect on the world around us. 

I have struggled with health a lot in my life. Currently, my Endometriosis is coming back in full force. I had a surgery in October and for a time I was pain-free. It has just recently come back and se4ems to be progressing faster than it did before. This can be very detrimental to me. I have severe anxiety/depression that I battle with constantly. It tends to make any health problem that much worse. In the past year, I have gotten an emotional support dog to help me actually act like a person and not a puddle. 

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